I forget which week of the HASAY challenge it is. It feels like it’s about week 40, doesn‘t it? But it couldn’t be, I haven’t known Casey (HASAY founder) that long. I think we found each other in August or September, but it seems I‘ve known my blonde, BMXin‘ friend forever. (In a good way, Casey, in a good way.)
Nothing. Absolutely nothing motivates me to lose weight. I’ve been waiting around for years, yes, years, looking for motivation to get up off my comfy sofa and lose weight. As a matter of fact, I did so much sitting and waiting for motivation, that one day I decided that my green suede sofa was no longer a suitable place to waste the days away. So you know what I did next? I convinced Jeremy that we needed a new sofa set and a few days later, we were the proud owners of a pair of chocolate leather sofa recliners. Can you say heavenly? Everything wipes off those suckers. Nachos, cream soups, cheesecake smudges, everything. And that's just breakfast.
Brilliant huh?
Oh, and did I tell you that Julee lost over 125 lbs? Yeah, she did. Without motivation.
Oh. Yes. She. Did.

I was so proud of her for losing all the weight. I still am. After her Oprah episode aired, I called her and just wept to her over the phone. We cried together. (You should know that I also called Julee crying after the Sex and The City series finale, as well as the Will and Grace and Friends
Funny side story about Julee’s Oprah adventure. When Lady O's producers initially contacted her to see if she wanted to fly off to Chicago, meet Oprah and appear on national television, Julee actually suspected that I was playing a trick on her. She asked me if I had set up a fake phone call from third party posing to be a producer from Oprah's show.
Anyway, back to Julee’s brush with Oprah. I guess I would have to say, the only disappointment I had with the whole ordeal is that when she went off to Chicago to meet Oprah, I sent her with three specific goals. 1) Find out if the big O has six toes on one foot. (I’ve heard rumors.) 2) Get Oprah to say “John Tra-vol-taaaa!”, and 3) Mention my name on national television.
So what’s my point here today? Well, I guess my point is that I’m copping to the fact that I have no motivation to lose weight, but lately I’ve still been getting up off of that comfy, stain-free sofa to exercise my sorry, out of shape bootie. I think of Julee whenever I search for the will to pop in a Pilates DVD or take a brisk walk on our neighboring trail. She accomplished something wonderful without needing any motivation to get her started.
Scratching your head, wondering what the heck HASAY is? Go here to find out.
Anyway, I’ve stopped counting the weeks I’ve been participating in HASAY. For me, crossing another week off the calendar does absolutely nothing for my motivation to get healthy. You know what does motivate me? I’ll tell you.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing motivates me to lose weight. I’ve been waiting around for years, yes, years, looking for motivation to get up off my comfy sofa and lose weight. As a matter of fact, I did so much sitting and waiting for motivation, that one day I decided that my green suede sofa was no longer a suitable place to waste the days away. So you know what I did next? I convinced Jeremy that we needed a new sofa set and a few days later, we were the proud owners of a pair of chocolate leather sofa recliners. Can you say heavenly? Everything wipes off those suckers. Nachos, cream soups, cheesecake smudges, everything. And that's just breakfast.
So yeah, I’m not easily moved or motivated to lose weight it seems. But a wise woman once told me, “Sometimes you can’t wait around for the motivation. You’ve just got to get up and do it. The motivation comes later.”
Brilliant huh?
That nugget of wisdom came from one of my very best friends, Julee. You might have seen a few of her comments on this here blog as JuleeSLC. She’s my own personal Oprah. Not because she’s beautiful, and has a fiancé and the best wardrobe, like ever, but because she pronounces “John Travolta” as “JOHN TRA-VOL-TAAAAA!” just the way Lady O says it.
Oh, and did I tell you that Julee lost over 125 lbs? Yeah, she did. Without motivation.
She also met Oprah.
Oh. Yes. She. Did.
My dearest Julee appeared on an Oprah weight loss special featuring women that had lost weight, and more importantly changed their lives by adhering to a more healthful way of living prescribed by Bob Green. Here’s Julee’s before and after pictures as featured on Oprah’s website.

Now, let me just clarify one thing. I’ve known Julee for over a decade and she's never, ever looked like the before picture on the left. Sure she was a little heavier, but she never dressed frumpy like that. Lady O’s producers forced her to dig up the oldest and potentially unflattering photos she had. To me, Julee’s always looked like the woman on the right. She’s absolutely stunning. Always has been.
I was so proud of her for losing all the weight. I still am. After her Oprah episode aired, I called her and just wept to her over the phone. We cried together. (You should know that I also called Julee crying after the Sex and The City series finale, as well as the Will and Grace and Friends
finales.) She nice to let me call and just whimper into the phone receiver like that.
Funny side story about Julee’s Oprah adventure. When Lady O's producers initially contacted her to see if she wanted to fly off to Chicago, meet Oprah and appear on national television, Julee actually suspected that I was playing a trick on her. She asked me if I had set up a fake phone call from third party posing to be a producer from Oprah's show.
I was all, “Honey, no. Although I do have a history of pranks on the phone, it’s just not my style to go into such elaborate detail for a joke. No, it’s much more my style to just relentlessly call you and hang up.”
Anyway, back to Julee’s brush with Oprah. I guess I would have to say, the only disappointment I had with the whole ordeal is that when she went off to Chicago to meet Oprah, I sent her with three specific goals. 1) Find out if the big O has six toes on one foot. (I’ve heard rumors.) 2) Get Oprah to say “John Tra-vol-taaaa!”, and 3) Mention my name on national television.
Julee, wisely, did none of these things.
So what’s my point here today? Well, I guess my point is that I’m copping to the fact that I have no motivation to lose weight, but lately I’ve still been getting up off of that comfy, stain-free sofa to exercise my sorry, out of shape bootie. I think of Julee whenever I search for the will to pop in a Pilates DVD or take a brisk walk on our neighboring trail. She accomplished something wonderful without needing any motivation to get her started.
Julee set her sights high. She lost the weight, kept it off and was driven through the streets of Chicago in a limo while she snacked on Chicago-style pizza, all courtesy of Oprah. If I stay focused, stay disciplined and lose some weight, maybe I can live the dream too. But for now, I’ll settle for exercising four days a week and being shuttled through the streets of Salt Lake City, eating a meat-lovers pizza in the back of my friend’s van.
Scratching your head, wondering what the heck HASAY is? Go here to find out.
My previous HASAY posts can be found here.
OMG - I'm second. I've always thought the first, second, third thing is cheesy (sorry), but I admit I feel quite honored.
Thank you for your kind words. You were there with me EVERY step of the way.
That's awesome!! Julee is now going to be my motivation. As are you... but for totally different reasons.
I totally bawled when Friends ended... and SATC.
I'm going to stop reading Monday posts... seriously, ya'll make me feel LAZY! I squeezed myself into a pair of jeans last week and I had muffint tops... MUFFIN TOPS! After I finished gasping in horror (actually I was gasping from trying to suck it in) I immediately thought of HASAY. I think I have no choice but to join- look for me on Mondays. I'll be the one with the muffin tops.
Your friend Julee did an awesome thing. Now step it up chicky. Shake that bootie right off that slick leather couch.
Wow, Julee! That's amazing! Jenbo, she should be your motivation. Sounds like she already is. Keep working it!
Wow. That's amazing! I need to follow Julee's example. Maybe tomorrow.
That is some awesome inspiration! Boy did I need it! And as usual it was entertaining to boot!
Yay Julee! I've known Julee all my life and she is a true motivator - not just because she lost weight but because of who she is. Happy 2 year Jules! Love you!
Well honey not only did you make me laugh this morning (again) but you inspired ME to dust off my tapes and get at er too. Damn you, I was quite fine withour any motivation, now you go. :)
Glad you got a nice new couch, loved the bit about breakfast.
Wow that is awesome! I forgot you live in Utah Jen. I am hooked on the show Big Love...and now I am kind of scared of all things Utah. You seem pretty sane to me though and not like you would follow me in the middle of the night with a big Hum Vee. Right? Cause that would be good motivcation for me to work out. Or learn how to run fast! : )
I have a story very similar to this, except it ends with a 1/2 lb burrito in the trunk of my car, instead of pizza in Chicago.
Come to think of it, my story is nothing like yours.
I have motivation, just not the means. I'll get there one day, I surely will.
Very inspirational!
I hate it when people like your friend are paraded in front of us because I'm always very suspicious. Totally my nature!
But as it's someone you know, she must be bone fide!
I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred with good success. Not related, but, erm, sort of related.
Maybe if you purchased a chocolate leather reclining elliptical you might exercise more often?
Just a suggestion.
Ok, maybe I'll try using Julee as inspiration since nothing else seems to be working. Or maybe I should just embrace the fat lazy bastard that I am. Ok, not exactly fat, but I'm working on that. So have lazy down.
I heard it was four toes. A freak accident involving Dr. Phil and a Texas steed. Need I say more? Maybe I shouldn't. Ahem.
Julee looks wonderful... congrats to her for achieving such an incredible goal. What could be more inspirational than that?
I totally love cheesecake for breakfast. I actually made a tiramisu cheesecake yesterday morning (for dessert last night) and consequently it became breakfast this morning... Never tried nachos, I should put that on my list!
I am so not sure where people get the motivation to do such things as exercise. I (clearly) dont run, that is, unless I am being chased and or myself chasing the ice cream truck. Oh, or racing the neighborhood kids to be first in line at said ice cream truck. Totally worth it then. Just my opinion on that though.
I should join in HASAY, however this "motivation" you speak of prevents me. I can barely wake up without a morning dew. I also require more caffeine later in the day. I also really like food. and not just a little. I need to make a vaca to mexico my motivation. Oh, Mexican vacation, how I dream of you.....
Maybe there's some kind of herbal or berry that would induce motivation. I wasn't born with it either and need a little help in that department.
I love wipe-clean couches... yes, I do.
Oh, and losing weight.. I like that too.. I could stand to do some of that myself.. to the tune of about 20-25lb or so..
I have no motivation to lose weight right now, but I do have cake.
that's seriously awesome that she did that.
yeah, motivation.
as in:
right now i have zero motivation to get my 2 year-old out of the bathroom. he has shut himself in there, and can't open the door. sure, he's asking nicely, 'mama, please may i you get me out of here?' but there's just no motivation to release him into the rest of the house.
Big ambition - good luck with that!
My favorite part of the story is getting rewarded for losing weight by eating pizza. Now that's a reward I can live with.
Woo hoo! That is awesome! Congrats to Julee! That is amazing! Luckily I'm going to Florida in May so I have all the motivation I need! If I could just get back to my wedding weight I'd be happy! :)
Your friend Julee is a straight up hottie - then and now!
I figure all we can do is work it. I need to quit working it so often up to my kitchen. My goal kick off today was to drink more water. Diet Mt. Dew runs through my veins, and that needs to change, so I've been gorging on the water again (I had to leave this post twice to go to the bathroom, and just now, but this time it was to go let my youngest son inside and play with him for a bit. I don't want you think I'm the weird bathroom-going stalker if you look at your stats!)
(wow...this comment is getting kind of awkward...)
Anyway, what I guess I'm saying is baby steps. I'm taking some baby steps, and then in a few days, I plan to free fall, only this time, I want to land in a bit healthier lifestyle and not into a delicious pillow of marshmallow fluff.
I think the real problem is that look sooo good as you are right now, that's hard to get motivated to...what?...look a little better?
Isn't Oprah providing someone with deep dish pizza while lauding their weight loss kind of...subversive?
If I ever get on Oprah, you can bet yer butt that I will say "Steenky Bee."
Pinky swear.
I think you just convinced me to buy a leather couch. PETA be damned. Julee's is an amazing story... anybody who got to breathe the same are as Oprah is ok in my book. :)
Get exercising.
Does Oprah do an extreme makeover show? Like where she makes over your whole life so you are rich and powerful like her? Cause then I wouldn't care that I was fat anymore...
That would be awesome. And for the record, Jen, I would totally have Oprah say your name on TV, as well as John Travolta's name and I would even have her sign my boobs and then let you touch them. Cause THAT'S just the kind of friend I am.
I got some motivation when we moved to the new house. There is a full length mirror on the back of the door that faces where the shower curtain opens. That first morning was a real eye opener. Now I have a treadmill in my bedroom. One of these days I intend to use it!
Julee - you are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing her triumph, Jen!
Congratulations, Julee!
wow! inspiration ...
and you can call her on the phone? lucky you.
Julee is amazing and wise (and not just because she didn't try to wrestle Oprah out of her footwear.) I keep waiting for motivation to sneak up and nip me in the heels, but it's not in the cards. Congrats for separating yourself from the couch on occasion. And yes, leather, with kids in the house is the only way to go.
"GO, GO, GO! WOOOOO!" he shouted, sitting on the couch eating chili with his fingers....
(steenky bee, I cried too, when Will and Grace went off the air, but that's just our little secret, m'kay?)
Seriously? They made her find the most frumpy and weird looking picture she had? Wow. That Oprah. But Julee! How good does she look! Wow!
Top 50!!!!
Julee sounds like an amazing person. I also lost some amount of weight, but I never ended up looking like her.
What the hell is motivation?? Hmmmm....yeah, I don't have it either!!!
You and Oprah are practically related. That's awesome though, I am so inspired by people who just turn themselves around like that.
Wow--big congrats to your friend! That's incredible!
Oh--and I've met Oprah a few times. She said she liked my hatbox...
That is super cool and wow, does she look awesome! I only need to lose 10 lbs and I can't get my act together even for that...can we bottle her motivation up and sell it?
Wait...did I make the top 50? WOOT!
Remind me not to give you my phone number.
Seriously though, congrats to your friend! I remember that episode.
Your friend Julee looks AWESOME! And anyone who has met Lady O is a sure bet friend of mine :-)
I'm trying the dreaded South Beach diet. One word: Y.U.C.K.! I mean, I don't mind eating all the veggies, but oh, I need some carbs...PLEASE!
okay yeah - um - just stopped by to say hi - nothing in particular wrong with the post - just anything that has to do with excercise makes me run for the hills!!
Miss ya!
I like exercising, but also like to eat wehatever I want whenever I want. Ah, well.
Hey Jen, thanks for visiting, I think that's the first time for both of us. I wasn't nervous. Were you?
That is awesome for Julee.
um, here is what I keep telling myself....“Motivation is like taking a bath; do it daily or you stink!”
My hat is off and I'm full of admiration. What a wonderful accomplishment!
I really want to test your couches out and see what other fluids wipe right off. You know, because I'm looking to buy...
is "eating a meat-lovers pizza in the back of my friend's van" a euphemism for something?
I thought your mode of transportation around Chicago was on your hubby's back yelling about spider monkey's or something? Sure I read that somewhere. hmmm?
I'm in the same boat as you no motivation, very cool that you know someone who once touched Oprah (I think I saw that episode). Your friend did an awesome job at her weight loss will have to check out her blog and read her secrets.
I get balloon filled bursts of motivation that fizzle out just as quick as letting go of a balloon you haven't tied.
I guess my motivation should be I have a muffin bake shop, not just a muffin top. Uggh! yeah yeah and that I want to be here to see my daughter grow up, blah, blah blah. Ooo and so that I don't end up on a show dedicated to how to get me out of a house with a crane. ~wink~
Glad you're back to bloggin'
That's stinkin' fabulous! Yay for Julee! What an inspiration!
First - rock on Julee! Second - if you've touched someone who touched Oprah that means you and the O are practially BFFs. Thems the rules.
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