The girl who has stolen his heart goes by the name Keely. She’s four. She likes playing dolls, the color pink, sunsets and long walks near the playground. Her turn-offs include spiders, boys who are pushy in the lunch line and vegetables. Apparently, this Keely is sweet on Henry too. Jeremy and I have talked with the preschool teacher to make sure their relationship is cruising at a G-level rating only. We can’t have anything moving too quickly. Everyone knows you wait until Kindergarten to really settle down, don't they?
Thankfully, according to their teacher, Henry and Keely occasionally eat lunch together and hug each other hello and goodbye. At four, I guess that’s the extent of a torrid love affair.
Today, I was at the pre-school picking up the kiddos. Have I ever told you how much I love picking the kids up at their school? All the children instantly recognize me when I enter the building and shout at the top of their lungs, “It’s Henry’s mom! It’s Reesie’s mom!” They all come a runnin’, circle around me and yell whatever is on their little minds at that moment.
“Henry didn’t share with me!” a blonde girl shouts. “Today we ate watermelon!” a boy named Josh announces. One time, I swear I heard Cade, one of the smaller boys in class shout, “Those shoes really clash with your handbag, lady!”
Tsk, tsk. What does a four-year old know about fashion?
Today I was standing outside Henry’s classroom door. Not wanting to draw any attention my way I hugged the doorframe and signaled to Henry that it was time for him to go. Normally, I walk right in the class but my pants weren’t fully pressed and I’m sure Cade couldn’t resist pointing out my pants faux pas.
As I waited for Henry to grab his backpack I noticed a woman inside the classroom standing next to Keely and thought to myself that this must be her mother. The pair eventually made their way out into the hall I introduced myself as the woman who fights with Henry every morning to make sure he brushes his teeth and wears clean underwear. Debbie, as her name turned out to be, let out a loud gasp and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. “It’s about TIME we meet, don’t you think?” as she hugged me tight. “I think our children love each other!”
Debbie and I then held a twenty-minute conversation, sharing what little details we knew about the kids’ ongoing “relationship”. I knew immediately Debbie was my kind of gal. She could she talk and talk and talk (like I do) and she was genuine and warm and thrilled that our children were close friends.
I allowed myself a silent sigh of relief when it was confirmed that Keely is equally as smitten with Henry as he is with her. I just couldn’t bear to nurse the broken heart of my little boy if Keely decided not to be his friend. Honestly, I have my own issues to deal with at the moment. Monday it’s my turn to be “Class Mom” at school and I'm completely stressed out. It's imperative that I sport a snappy outfit that ABSOLUTELY KILLS in order to keep Chase, the tiny fashion Nazi, where he belongs - quiet and stuffed in the back of the classroom so he doesn't just how long overdue for a pedicure I am.
Ahhh, young love.
Is he in year-round school?
My son is currently attached to a young boy about a year older than him. Should I pull out the wedding dress now and decide which one is going to be the "girl" in the relationship.
Oh crap. I crossed the line didn't it?
Well, anyhow, I think it is very cute and I'm glad you two mom's hit it off. I swear I thought you were going to say that the mom was all pissed off and tried to say your son was pushy and . . . well, I'm just glad there was a happy ending.
I had 3 fiances in pre-school. How did I let them all slip away.
My nephew fell in love in Pre-K too. They stood up and announced to the class that they were "marryin'." Sadly, C moved to a different school district for Kindergarten. And though they no longer see each other he still says she's the love of his life... who knows?!?
Uh oh, this sounds like the set up for a reality show. Don't do it, Henry! Don't go the way of Jon and Kate! Stay grounded before they try to tempt you with "Pre-K Fiancee"!
Henry is suave! I am hypnotized by that boy, and this girl better be good to him. That's all I have to say about that.
When my youngest was in preschool, there was an adorable little girl who was all kinds of all over him. One day, while on a class field trip, her mom tapped me on the shoulder while we were on the bus and said, "Macey can only talk about your son. He's all she talks about. Every day. At dinner. Every night. Quite frankly, it's making her dad a little jealous."
I was cool with that. I totally fist bumped my kid after that. His opinion of Macey, though? "Eh," he said with a shrug. He needs lady tips from Henry, I think!
Henners - my boy is a couple years younger than you, but when you're ready to get 'hitched', I think he would be a crazy-cool best man. He would do you mad justice on your bachelor party.
And if the Keely thing should fall through, my daughter is three. Not quite ready for commitment yet, but in a year or so....
Thanks for dropping by and commenting yesterday! Visits by blogg royalty are always appreciated!
I second loving to pick children up for daycare. James shouts "Mommy, runs, and gives me a bear hug- then clings to his dad's leg.
Also, little does James know, that I've mentally promised him to Ashley a cute blonde little thing that he's been in daycare with since they were both 4 months old. His mom doesn't know it either but the wedding date is set for after they both graduate from MIT, or Harvard.
I don't know what's funnier, Cade checking your fashion faux pas or that you have to make sure that the "relationship" is still G-rated!! Haha...cracking up!
PS. Thanks for stopping by my blog, totally honored!
Don't let Debbie find your blog. She'll know her daughter is in love with a hooker's son :)
Sweet...and how nice that you've already met your future in-law and she is not too weird!
Jones and his preschool sweetheart are still in love, three years later, and he just asked me yesterday if they could still have sleepovers when they are sixteen.
I think my son is in the middle of a love triangle, and he's only two. I think he might be trying to steel his 3 year old cousins girl at daycare. He's so smooth about it too. Plus her mom and me are already friends so I think he's gonna win that contest.
Hee hee...Young Love indeed!
My three preschoolers have yet to find that special someone, but I'm sure that this will happen at anytime and catch me off guard.
So very cute that your son has a girlfriend. Very cool that you're chronicling it in your blog....
Have I told you lately how much I missed you?
I already have a dowry prepared. If OnlyAman and ChurchPunkMom refuse to accept, I offer my eldest, 20 gold pieces, and 3 asses. Deal?
LL Cool H.
Natch. :)
They do start young these days. I don't believe I had my first crush until 4th grade. My 8 year old nephew is more Henry's speed. He's been working his way through his little black composition book since K grade. One time he told me of a rival that was moving in on his territory. After a short disagreement, they decided to "share" her. Something tells me her mom would not have been quite as delighted to meet my sister in law, given this somewhat progressive arrangement.
Four! Oh, man, I thought I had longer!
Although Henners' young love has a totally cool name. She MUST be awesome. worth at least 4 ducats and a goat.
My Miss O is attached to a 9 yo she calls Ty-Ty. Dude's name is really Tyler, and mah babeh is 6. Obviously he does not understand the grave peril he faces when The Mister finds out. That kid will get WAY worse treatment than you did when you guest posted.
My husband thinks his son is the neighborhood "pimp daddy" cause he goes from house to house hangin with his chicks.
My daughter on the other hand can't leave the house in a dress without shorts on underneath.
I say fair is fair.
I think I should start making my son where shorts under his dresses before leaving the house too.
My 3yr old girl has a boy in her daycare that she plays with all the time. There is no talk of "love" - they are just friends. But it's pretty damn cute. The other day the boy walks in as I was settling Maggie at the breakfast table and he announces, "Maggie! I'm HERE!" Awesome.
That picture alone has caused me to fall in love! I think it would be magnificent if they DID get married!!
I absolutely LOVE that picture of Henry!! He's gonna be a lady killer... ;) Please add me to the list of invitees to the wedding, mkay? ;)
Princess Nagger announced during this past school year (Kindergarten) that she has not one, but two boyfriends... of course one of them kept saying he wasn't her boyfriend, but he'd let her give him hugs anyway. The other boy didn't seem to mind he wasn't the only one in her life, but be forewarned in case Keely decides she wants to have 2 boyfriends in Kindergarten... ;)
Connor's new love is claimed by another. Luckily the other boy is clingy and about 5 inches shorter.
My son's first love's name is Keely also. He adores her and has since he was four too.
Judging from the picture, looks like Henry can already do the one-eye-brow raise! No wonder Keely is smitten.
Mr. M went through that phase at the same age. Now, though? It's "Mom, don't tell anyone Jennifer came over for a playdate! The boys will make fun of me."
But hey, if it lasts, super-duper. At least you know you like the girl's mother!
Very cute. I like how the other mom got all excited to meet you.
On Valentine's Day, when my son Jude was 4, he ran into his preschool class and straight up to a cute little moppet named Marley. "Marley, will you be my Valentine?" he cheerfully asked. Marley looked coy and giggled and said "No." Then walked away.
I don't think he's ever quite recovered. Didn't this Marley child know that my boy was by far the best catch in the preschool? I think the little hussy had her eye on Scotty. We women are so fickle!
Tell Henry to be careful- it's the girls who play with dolls you have to watch out for.
Just keep candy in your pocket and if any of the kids start to analyze your fashion instincts, shut them up with a piece of candy. ;o) You'll be the class favorite!
I don't hate puppies or anything but small children love affairs make me cringe. I want to smack my girls when they come home "in love" and then I want to make fun of them until they don't want to look at a boy until prom. Is that wrong? Is it supposed to be cute?
That is so sweet! I tell you, I am not prepared for this stuff, and my daughter is 8. Fortunately she only has eyes for one of the Jonas brothers. I forget which.
I am cracking up at the fashion critique you're getting over there.
A 4 year old criticises your accessories? Oh my, the future does not look good.
Ahhhhh......young love. Ain't it grand?
Isn't it nice to have good in-laws? That's why I'm insisting on arranged marriages for my children.
Oh, sooo cute! I want to hear all about being Class Mom today! Good luck... and you better have your outfit in order!
Hey Class Mom - how did it go today?
so cute. and i LOOOOVE the picture :-D what a tiger!
I'll be the mom on the news with a chain saw the first time someone breaks my little boy's heart, and I'm counting on you to come bail me out.
The first time I volunteered at Aaron's preschool, I felt like the coolest mom on the whole planet. All the kids wanted to sit next to me. I think they could smell the chocolate I had hidden in my purse.
Dude! These kiddos are falling in love even younger than when we were kids. I never said the "L" word until about 3rd grade. Now I am worried - my Little Man is hot stuff and I remembered last year he had a little girlfriend. I'm too young to be a grandmother.
I feel ya sista. My daughter already has a crush on her older brother's friend and every time he comes over she tells him how "handsome" and "strong" he is.
She is 3. Seriously, dudette? SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
When my son was young he had his first major crush on an older woman who happened to be my hub's younger cousin. He was totally enamored with her back then.
Sigh, My son is not allowed to have any girlfriends. His twins sister forbids it. She must be his only love.
Our youngest had a "boyfriend" in Kindergarten. She kissed him on the lips one day and he ran screaming from her. They stopped hanging out after that.
Back in the 'good ole' days' when Bonus was 4 (he's now 5) he had a crush on two girls.
They were sisters.
They STILL fight over him when we go to visit...
at least they're the same age. my 4 year old son hits on 18 year old girls ... maybe he should hang out with his dad less.
Is it just me, or is Henry totally making a Jeremy face in this picture!? His expressions slay me-
Awwww....so sweet! I hope they remain friends for a long time.
I know how you feel with this one. Meggers and my friends little boy Dylan were born two weeks apart and we spent a good portion of the first 4-5 years of their life together. When they hit Kindergarten we didn't see as much of each other but I always giggle because Meg & Dylan both proclaim that they are going to marry each other. Super Cute! But he's not allowed over once they hit puberty! :-)
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