This past weekend, Henry and I entered ourselves in a local 5-K race. At age four and a half, Henry didn’t fully grasp the concept of exactly what a 5-K entailed. I was clued in on this fact when Henry repeatedly chanted in my face, “I’m gonna beat you when I go faster! I’m gonna beat everyone in the face!”
Whoa, wait a minute. Did my son just say he was going to beat everyone in the face? Indeed he did.
You can imagine the nerves I had leading up to the race. My son had a plan and it involved one of two things; 1) He would run really, really fast, or 2) He would run really, really fast and quite possibly give an innocent by-stander a black eye for no reason.
Here’s my little athlete on race morning.

Just after we arrived at the athlete’s starting area, Henry noticed the organizers had booths of fruit, bagels and donuts set up for the racers. Instead of opting for a healthy choice, my little man double-fisted a pair of glazed donuts.

As Henry stood around with white pastry glaze stuck to a large portion of his face, he noticed some nearby racers stretching their legs out to prepare for the race. Not wanting to appear like a rookie, Henners quickly followed suit. Here, Henry does his interpretation of "Crane with Donut".

I'm not sure what this move is.

I'm not sure what this move is.

I'm REALLY not sure what this move is.

After Henry was all limbered up, he and I spent the next little bit trying to look menacing in the hopes that we would intimidate the competition with our pre-race posing.

The rest of the race was fairly uneventful. Unless you count the times Henners stopped mid-stride, turned around and shouted, “Hurry Mommy! You’re being too slow!” or the time he ran along side the police escort car that was flanking the racers and warned the officer, “Don't you arrest us!”
All in all, my little man did a super job in his first race. Not only did Henry run almost 2 miles on his own, he never once beat anyone in the face. My cute parents even drove all the way down and joined Jeremy and Reese to sit on the side of the road as spectators and cheer him on as he raced by. Of course, once he saw them sitting there shouting and clapping for him, he mistook them for the finish line and ran up to them and announced, “I WIN!”
Jeremy and I believe that all Henry needs now is a little guidance, more practice and a trainer/agent who is willing to take the fall in the event an unfortunate blood doping scandal surfaces.
Henners has a lot more oomph than I have. And you, too.
Maybe I need to get on the "Couch Potato to 5K" program.
Or maybe not.
Wait... maybe all I need to do is buy me a Superman shirt, and then I can run fast.
Way to go, Henry!! Love the Superman shirt and MUST get one before my next run.
In addition to avoiding any blood doping scandals, tell Henners to stay off the juice (and I'm not talking the apple or orange variety). Your words of wisdom can be interspersed with photos of the Bonds, Sosa and Pudge (to name just a few).
His face in that first picture is hilarious!
You remind me of my sister. She took my 4 year-old nephew on a 5 K, and he loved it.
Awesomeness! extreme Awesomeness! GO Henry, ohand your mom! :)
Way to go! Henry has way more oomph than my little guy!
Cripes! I'm amazed by you guys! Also? I think somebody's mama needs a Superman shirt...
Just sayin'
Love it! He did so awesome, way better than I would have done...I would have been toast after the donut...
Alright, Henry!
If I wear Superman underwear, will that make me go faster?
Go Henry go! Don't wind up a pathetic lump of couch luggage like Ol' Diary here. If you keep runnin like that and try to be single fisted in the doughnut area, you will never have to lay down and zip your pants with a pair of pliers.
Active mom award to you this week. All my kids have wanted to do since school got out a week ago is stay up late and sleep in late.
The apple don't fall far from the tree.
Dude, if I had your outfit I'd probably run in more 5Ks. Very aerodynamic.
I think it is great that you and Henry ran a race together. My dad did it with my 7 year old niece and they got lost and ended up running an extra mile or two. She did a great job at it but continued to yell at my dad about getting them lost.
Did I mention she can be a brat?
Yeah, whatever. :-)
Superkid and his Mom look great! Congrats on the race. Can't wait until Superkid number two gets in on the action!
I love the stretching poses. Very professional looking! Did you do the Artsy Fartsy festival 5k? I didn't even know about it until it was over!
I walked to the mailbox today and I about died from exhaustion. Henners is my new hero. Oh yeah, good job to you too but he totally stole your thunder.
The socks. I couldn't get past the socks.
My sons INSIST on pulling them up to their knees whether they are ankle socks or not.
Heaven help.
Nobody noticed the stretching because of that giant blob you call hair was blocking the view of your stretchy go-go gadget ass.
And seriously. Spandex? Jeremy let you out of the house like that?
Also, for the record, because everything in West Blogoslovakifornia is ON THE RECORD, and also to explain, I only noticed you were wearing spandex because I had to stare and stare at the picture of you stretching to actually comprehend which was the hair and which was the stretching.
wow! henry! you are tough!
steenky, despite being a dirty hooker, you are such a great mom! cheers to you for being a grand influence on your son. i appreciate all children (including my own) who immediately tell off a cop. not bc i dislike cops - but bc its rebellious and i heart rebels.
Oh my gosh... those pictures are priceless!! And WHERE does that toehead hair color come from???
Did he seriously run it? Skip it? Holy crap. Go Henry.
it's always a good day when no one gets beat in the face.
Gabriel has that shirt. Because our boys are awesome.
i'm glad he didn't beat anyone in the face. although, it would have made for some spectacular blogging ;-)
Wow, he did great. When I signed my kids up to do a run with me, my daughter stood in front of the escort squad car and yelled "My mother is soooo mean!!! I hate this race!!!!" and refused to move.
I'm seriously not sure I could run a two mile race. With or without a Superman shirt.
Actually, I just thought about it some more. Henners would totally beat me in my face.
So you are just going to rub it in that your 5 year old has more stamina and goals than I do??
How dare you!
Thank you for making me giggle! All those cool moves had me bustin' a gut! =)
That little super man managed to run almost two miles AND tell a police officer, “Don't you arrest us!”?
I'm in love, I'm in love!
I think he ran so fast because the cop was after his donut.
Oh, c'mon! Someone had to go for the cheap laugh! It might as well be me.
Impressive, most impressive.
I wish I had a Henners to help whip me into shape. Daring Daughter whines if she has to walk from one room to another. She gets that from me.
Sorry I'm late, my computer's still in hock. Hawk? I don't know. To be honest, I'm not even sure what that phrase means and I'm was just trying to be funny but since I'm explaining it now the whole thing is pretty much dead. Much like my iPod batteries. Sure, it's a technological marvel, but it uses as much power as a nuclear sub. Hmm, I might use that line in a post. What were we talking about? Whatever, I have to ease into my Needs More Cream In His Coffee followed by Let Sleeping Dog Rest.
Just keep him off the steroids!
good job mama! and henry!
what fun!
Nice job steenky bee and Henry! I'm totally impressed. I think Henry is my soul mate, because I warm up with donuts too.
LOL! He is too cute in that outfit! And you look pretty cute too. No doubt this is how you are able to stay so trim while eating multiple hotdogs.
Got to love his enthusiasm! I hope you both had fun!
Wow great job Henry!! Love the warm up pictures!! Damn I was really hoping to see a picture of him beating someone in the face!!! LOL
WooHoo Henry! Maybe a glazed donut and a superman shirt is what I need to motivate me to run...or not. ;)
Hey, you! You doing OK over there?
Beating opponents in the face is the only way to go when in competitions.
I am proud of you.
You are raising him right.
okay, that is so not fair he is just so derned cute and such a good sport, my kids would so not go for that.
But you must be so proud of him and extatic that nobody got hurt. Planning on doing another one soon?
Hey. Just stopping by because I'm rebuilding my blog reader.
My oldest called me evil tonight. Just sayin.
The cuteness! My left ovary just exploded.
Ok - so I just completed my 2nd run ever and now I'm feeling even more pressure to keep up with HENNERS!! This is great - did he really run with you? That's awesome.
I wish I could say that I enjoy the running -but so far, unt uhhh.. but I'll get there right?
The stretches are classic. Very good. Congrats to you both.
Yeah...I don't even like to drive two miles...BUT if there is beer at the end I will at least bike there. Henry is just toooo cute! I love his faces!
I totally dig this post! Henry is TOO cute and holy hell that picture of the two of you posing is the BEST picture EVER!
It's awesome that he ran it with you! I've been trying to convince my two daughters to run one with me but so far no luck...maybe they need Wonder Woman outfits?!
He would've totally beat me in the face. Of this I have no doubt.
Your runner's pose is awesome. Totally worth missing the start.
It looks like he could run as fast as superman
Something to never forget.
These photos are hilarious!
Hi Steenky Bee, long time since I've been over. Your son is adorable, definitely a future Olympic racer. Think it's fantastic to get the kids involved
in these type of things.
Had my car totalled 2 weeks ago, so
not into too much athletics right now. (For me athletics involved
hiking, golf and drinking coolers).
and yes Cpt. Dumbass does have a brother, same size, same good looks, same evil sense of humor.
I need a superman shirt to make me move more in general!!
This was awesome, he's adorable!
So cute! My kids ran their first 5k this summer, but they aren't as near as cute! :-)
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I do all the same prep work before I drive all night !! LOL
So, I'm back and trying to post at least semi-regularly again. How about you join me?
The new (and much more smart ass me) blog is linked, but you know me as Buzzin By.
Just found your fun blog! Love your graphics and pix.
Just stopping by to let you know it's September.
That is all,
Mary Anne
Im with Stiletto mom....
Not sure where you are but theres no internet there???
Where oh where art thou Stinky Bee! You are missed. I hope all is well.
i have a henry too but he hates running. unless it is to chase the dog or the icecream truck
Where you at, girl?
Hope everything's okay.
Um, it's almost October - been thinking about texting u to make sure u are still alive but I don't want a crazy person to find my number and then stalk me....miss you much!!! you have not even stopped by my new site....still love you though!!!
i was just thinking about you today...hoping you're well.
Hello, I miss seeing your hilarious blog entries. I hope you are well.
Off to follow you on twitter to get my steenky bee fix!
You're dead, aren't you?
I didn't even know what running WAS when I was 4...or that you got free donuts. I may have paid more attention had I known you got to do more than just, well, run.
The ironic thing? Now I'm a runner...
Hi! Have you heard it's now December? Sometimes I like to just stop by and announce the month.
New header gives me the sads but I still love you. :)
It is remarkable, rather valuable idea
Really worried about you. I emailed you a month or two ago, haven't heard back. Please let us know what is going on!
Seriously buddy. Its been 6 month... 6 MONTHS. Some of us are at different urls... feel free to email that youre still alive... I see youve tweeted withen 6 months... blog?
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