Best attempted slam in a song ever
"Laura" by The Scissor Sisters
This song must be the motto for every beauty school student out there. I can never get enough of the final few lines of the song when what may be the cruelest comeback in stylist history is uttered: “This will be the last time I ever do your hair.” Let this tune be a lesson for us all. Never tick off your hair dresser.
Best song for versatile use in almost any movie montage
"You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oats
I mean, come on, who doesn’t think this song totally rawks in an ironic sort of way? The duo of Hall & Oates practically owned the music charts in the 80s. But if you count Oats’ mustache as a third band member, which I do, they’re actually considered a trio. These men, and all their hair, mullet, ‘stache and otherwise, still hold a soft spot in my heart.
Best song that serves as a reminder that you can never have enough fiber in your diet
"Slave To Love" by Bryan Ferry
If you’ve never seen 9 ½ Weeks starring Kim Bassinger and a young Mickey Rourke (yummers, see below), then this reference is lost on you. But then again, so would the beauty of a fully stocked fridge of fresh foods. Rent it. Watch it. Mourn loss of Mickey's before-face.

Best song that explains how Jeremy used to pick up women
"Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake
"Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake
I believe the line in the song is, “At Citibank we will meet accidentally, we’ll start to talk when she borrows my pen.” For all the women in the Northern Utah region between 1995-1998, you should know that if a handsome stranger approached you in a bank and asked to borrow your pen, this was most likely my husband using his famous ‘missing pen at a bank‘ technique to meet women. His next move was to take the pen-having ladies to a sensible dinner at Tony Romas followed by a few hours of Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation at his apartment.
Lucky for me, by the time we met, Jeremy had advanced to more a sophisticated means to pick up the ladies. By 1999, his game was staging paper jams on copiers at work, dinner at the Olive Garden, followed up by watching South Park reruns at his apartment.
Best song that was on the very first album I bought with my own allowance money
"Too Much Time on My Hands" by Styx
I love Styx, seriously I do. But not all that Dennis DeYoung crap like "Lady" or "Mr. Roboto". Those monstrosities just go on and on forever. No, "Too Much Time On My Hands", sung by Tommy Shaw, not only has the funkiest start up of a rock song, but it also has thee best clap-along chorus ever written. “Is it any wonder I’ve got too-ooh much
Best song that I claim to dislike, but in reality, it’s on every play list I create
"Mr. Roboto" by Styx
"Mr. Roboto" by Styx
Okay, seriously, how could you NOT love this song? It’s the tune that you randomly hear when you‘re, say, mingling with friends at a party. You hear the first few bars and your heart instantly skips a beat because you freakin’ LOVE THIS SONG. Your posture straightens up and you have to concentrate really, really hard not to mouth the words along to the music because you’re afraid everyone around you will notice that you know all the lyrics to this strange, overly dramatic song by heart. No? Just me then?
Best song to roller skate to in my parent’s unfinished basement (circa 1983)
"I Just Want to be Your Everything" by Andy Gibb
"I Just Want to be Your Everything" by Andy Gibb
Oh, Andy, how could you leave us so soon? In my humble opinion, this 70’s hit is nothing short of a disco master piece. I request it at every wedding I attend. Coincidentally, I also get strange looks from DJs at every wedding I attend. If you were my friend in the early 80‘s, chances are you and I strapped on our quad skates to glide around in my parents basement and listened to Andy sing to us from my parent’s 8-track player. Chances are also pretty good, that you and argued over who was better looking, Andy or his older brother Barry.
This list of best songs ever brought to you through my participation in the Spin Cycle brought to you by the ever lovely, Sprite's Keeper. Check her out!
ha. here i am.
prego on top.
and i love cake.
the band and the delicacy.
i'm versatile like that.
Oh My Gawd! I soo used to skate around in my parents unfnished basement too. Except it was too Baby Baby by Amy Grant. : )
I love Mr. Roboto. What ever happened to the VW commercial that used the song??
you-ou=you-ou you make my dreaaams come true! that song is totally for almost any montage- human or animal!
i've seen it in a few movies in the last six months, actually.
mr roboto rocks!!!
Oh, my! Mr. Roboto is definitely a 'driveway song' - it's one of those songs that, if it comes on the radio as you're pulling into the driveway after a long day, you'll stay in the car, wasiting gas and busting a hole in the ozone, just so you can sing along and act out a routine to it all the way through completion. EVERY TIME I hear Mr. Roboto on the radio, I make the family stick it out. Same with 'Pop Muzik' by M. I try to make my husband stay in the car all the way through 'Paradise By The Dashboard Lights,' too, but at about minute 5 1/2, he gets pulls a Chinese fire drill on me, then actually runs in the house instead of taking my spot in the passenger seat. I stick it out for the entire 8 minutes.
This list rocks. It rocks like all my Hall and Oates albums!
I had Mr. Roboto 45! LOL! Remember those babies? Good times...
Holy shit. I had life size posters of David Cassidy, Andy Gibb, Leif have brought me back to my childhood. I'm DYING laughing... and Mr. Roboto totally rocks. Shhhhh. Don't tell.
I tooootaly can believe you didn't say air supply or blondie songs for skating daze!! And I'm toalyy wicha on the mr. roboto, target has tge coolest 80's cds right now- love it! ahh, totally took me back! LA
Im all outa love, I'm so lost without you, I know you were right, believing for so long...
Call me. oooh ahh call me ,call me call me on the line, call me anytime call me......
FYI You're not the only one who does the Mr.Roboto thing. Domo arigato baby.
And I've got 2 words for you...Christopher Effin Cross. If I had my way I'd Ride Like The Wind to go Sailing with you. 8 Track Chris Cross...
and not the one that makes you Jump, Jump! No, the daddy mack WON'T make me Jump, Jump!
I'm dating myself but I saw Styx in their Grand Illusion concert in 1978.
I saw Elton John is '75 and I saw Heart open for Supertramp that year too.
All these make it to my mp3 player but I also steal songs from my kids, like Nine in the Afternoon by Panic at the Disco.
I love your list. LOVE. IT!
And there is never, ever any irony in loving Hall and Oates. (You! You!, You! You!) Mullet and mustache and all. They are my absolute 80s fave.
I've never heard of any of these songs...perhaps you and I are of a different generation? Just kidding Bee, love ya!!!
Ah, Hall & Oates. You warm my heart, Steenky. She's Gone and Rich Bitch are personal faves along with You Make My Dreams.
9 1/2 Weeks!? I saw that movie many times but I couldn't tell you a damn thing about it except for the fridge scene.
Kilroy Was Here was the first cassette tape I bought for my first ever Walkman. Man, I feel old.
me too, Pamela.. I mean about the Cake.. not... oh, I'm just gonna stop right there.
All fabulous songs! And I adore Styx. Hall & Oates were always great, too. Really, your musical tastes are outstanding.
Now I've got the intro to "Short Skirt Long Jacket" running through my head. It's okay; it's a good song.
mmm, Cake.
Jeremy used to wear a short skirt and a long coat? I hope you haven't encouraged him to change this!
Poor poor Mickey is all I can think after seeing that pic (and thinking about that film).
Hall & Oates fan here too.
Sarah Smile, urgh, make me so want to be called Sarah.
Jeremy is awesome! And not just because he played Crash Bandicoot on the Playstation...
I never skated in my parents unfinished basement.. but I spent way too much time at the roller rink in my formative years.
I've never seen 9 1/2 weeks. I had a boyfriend who was obsessed with it though, and I dumped his ass before he could live out any freakish fantasies that the movie gave him. I'll never watch it now, just because that dude ended up creeping me out so much.
I have worn black ever since Mickey Rourkes face went bad as a mark of respect.
Today I am even wearing a black veil ... a veil that he should be wearing to shield us from his visage.
Mmm, Cake. And I have to agree with the Captain: I saw that movie too, even had it on VHS, but I don't remember anything but what's in the sad...
I respectfully request the addition of Joe Jackson's two timeless hits "Is She Really Going Out With Him" and "Steppin' Out" Because they put me in a swoony kind of retro trance whenever I hear them, and it is 1981 again and I am young and hot and lovin' life. And, hey, I'm still lovin' life, so that's one outta three. :-)
I knew I loved you for a reason. And these songs make my heart go pitter patter for you just a bit more.
Oh that Cake song RULES!
I love this list. My go to song to make me feel good is "Why Can't I Be You" by The Cure. I'm a huge Cure fan anyway, but that song will always get played as loudly as possible whenever I hear it.
I loved Hall and Oats...
My favorite song from 9 1/2 weeks was "You can leave your hat on"...That's just damn HAWT.
I loved all the songs they used for "The Wedding Singer"...I think your Hall and Oates song was used in that movie for a montage right?
I thought Andy was definitely better looking than Barry! Great list, downloading every one of them! You're linked!
It was totally Andy. All the way.
My fave roller skating song was Maneater, followed closely by Gloria.
Gloria, Gloria....I think they got your number...Gloria...
Come on, that's golden. I can shoot the duck all day to that.
Ok. I have no idea what any of this music is. Really.
But I remember 9 1/2 weeks like I was freakin there! The table scene, the scene in the hell, anywhere there was sex going basically the entire movie.
And yeah, too bad about Mickey's face. Hmm, go figure.
No. I did not just watch it. Yes, I am deprived.. what's your point?
I love Cake!
Skates with 4, I miss those!!!
No, no, no. Andy Gibb was for skating in the garage, (around and around and around), wearing a cool head band.
Just needed to set the record straight :)
There's no debate on who's hotter. It's Barry. And I've got a framed picture sitting here on my desk to prove it to you.
Oh how I heart Andy Gibb. I'm getting teary just thinking about him. Don't let anyone tell you he died from years of drug abuse. The man died of a broken heart. And it's all Victoria Principal's fault.
I've always wanted to dance to "I Just Want to Be Your Everything" at my wedding reception. A couple of obstacles: I need to first get married; I need to convince Lee of how incredible this song and Andy Gibb are.
Steenky - can you help me with this?!
Is it ACTUAL irony or "Alanis Morrissette" irony that the song "Too Much Time On My Hands" is pretty short?
...I always get those mixed up.
i pretend to hate "oops, I did it again" by Britney, but in reality, I think it's catchy and it really kind of foreshadowed her future in a ironic way.
also? I cry over teh loss of Mickey's face daily. I can't even look at him anymore.
also? I cry over teh loss of Mickey's face daily. I can't even look at him anymore.
Mickey Rourke is nothing but leather to me now. EW. also, thinking about him maybe possibly hooking up with Evan Rachel Wood skeeves the hell out of me. EW!.
(also? imagine how shriveled and leathery his peen is. *shudder*)
Best clap along chorus? I'll have to pick Cheeseburger in Paradise for that one.
I think the Hall & Oates song takes the place of song that I claim to dislike for me.
I used to skate around in my unfinished basement, too. But I wasn't sophisticated enough to play music at the same time...
your basement was big enough to roller skate in? That is cool!
Man, Mr Roboto. Damn. I once had that song in my head for two weeks straight, let's hope it doesn't happen again or I'm blaming you.
OMG - skating in the basement?? Are you sure you didn't grow up in OHIO!! That takes me back - and quad skates? I love those - and, they still have em at the local skatery here in town (yes, I know this - I went with my niece - yeah that's it!) I still can't skate worth a damn!!
And thank you, thank you - now I have "Mr. Roboto" in my head - good times. . . .
Hehehe, great compilation. Maybe you should contact Life and see if they will make one of those infomercial CD's of these, to be followed up by approximately 97 weekly CD's of our choice... I would totally buy it.
I wish you luck with the universe. We are all at the mercy of starbucks and walmart, may Target have mercy on our souls...
I love your take on this spin, listing "bests" for different scenarios. Mr Roboto?!! LOL!
Right after I hug you when I finally meet you, I'm probably going to have to punch you for this post. I may have been slightly over served last night and I now have Mr. Roboto stuck in my head which is not helping my fragile emotional state AT ALL. Thanks a lot Steenky.
PS: I totally would have skated with you to Andy Gibb. *swoons*
PSS: Can you pass me the asprin?
What a cool house you must have had, with a built-in skating rink and music to boot? So, you started off being a trendsetter, eh?
domo arigato. great spin.
If you loved me you'd blog more often...
Best all-purpose background song during video of people playing high contact sports? Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll, Pt 2". I learned to like Cake from the movie "Orange County". Whatever it takes, no?
I love cake but strawberry icing really ruins it ;)
gah. i love short skirt long jacket! :-D cake rocks. you can tell jeremy he's cool in my book.
When I was looking for a birthday card for my sister, I picked up one that played Mr Roboto. My kids kept saying play it again. I di and they danced in the middle of the store. So cute.
I love every song you listed here but especially Hall and Oates "You Make My Dreams Come True" and "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake. I think you and I should make a montage video together with all these songs. It would be so incredibly BOSS!
Funny Andy Gibb's "Shadow Dancing" reminds me of roller skating at an old rink on the naval base near our home. My 10-year old daughter thinks "Mr Roboto" is very very lame....haha
Great songs!! Have you missed me? Mr. Roboto... might need to add that to my playlist.
And here I thought only my husband had taped VHS re-runs of Southpark for our romantic Sunday-dating days.
As far as songs go, don't forget about "Secret Asian Man" -- I never got a glimpse of that many of mystery.
Have you seen the Evolution of Dance on You Tube??? I thought of it when I read your post. BEST YOU TUBE EVER!!!
She's got it over here.
Fun list!
Um, no--sorry I don't care for Mr. Roboto--it scares me!
But then again, I also like the weird "Wrestler-style" Mickey Rourke better than the old maybe I'm not right in the head!
I fell in love with you just a little bit when you put the Scissor Sisters at the top of your list. :) "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" is one of my top play-list songs....
I don't want to tell you what I had for dinner. Or my snack. Or the snack after that. Or what I feel like eating now. I don't look much different on the outside, but my heart has started calling me Jabba.
Oh, how I've missed you! Thank you for making my eyes water with laughter this morning. I have a picture of a friend's dad WITH BARRY GIBB circa 1979 or so when he was at the top of his game - they delivered deli after a David Froster interview....I was thrilled. It was a simple life :-) Thanx again for all the tune reminders, despite your unfortunate musical time frame LOL
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