So many of you might know that Reesie has a very mild form of Torticolis. A condition of limited neck motion. Reesie favors her left side, but she has Torticolis Right, meaning her right neck muscles need to lengthen and stretch. If you notice in some pictures of Reese when she is sitting upright and resting she tends to hold her head a little cocked to the right with her chin pointing to the left. Jeremy, her Pediatrician and I have been working with her for a about a month and we've made great strides. She's getting stronger every day.
Tuesday we had her first physical therapy appointment and she did so well! She lasted the entire 1 hour session. Apparently most children her age don't make it past 40 minutes. She has a very mild case and her mobility is looking good. We will go back next week for her second appointment. Basically they run Reesie through lots of stretches and floor exercises. I'll try to get a picture of the area where Reese "works out". It's vibrant and so colorful. She really liked it this week.
We set goals for Reesie to round out the back of her head a little bit, to increase strength and mobility in her neck, and to create some little abs of steel for her so she can be a little more stronger.
How Do You Do?
Wednesday, Reesie and I were doing some core strengthening exercises when an unexpected visitor stopped by.

Reesie was way excited to have a playmate.

Look at that grip.

Here's Reesie just holding onto Meesha.

Meesha was a good sport and let Reesie pull out some fur.

Reesie thought Meesha was so soft.

I used Meesha as a prop to get Reesie to really use those neck muscles.

Reesie made a friend for life.

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