Here, the Artist prepares for his upcoming commission by ridding himself of restrictive clothing as it hampers his creative energy. Next, he engages in a ritualistic series of stretches and crouches to get momentum flowing through his body.

Let the art show begin. The Artist opts for the lesser-known "hand painting" technique as opposed to the much over celebrated "finger painting" one. There was a time the Artist only worked in finger paints, but he's since moved on to what will some day be known as the "hand phase" of his brilliant career. Notice the skilled application of palm-on-paper movements. This can take up to minutes to master.

The Artist takes a short break to put on a mini live performance art piece titled Look How My Hand is Blue, Mom. As a mother and also a lover of art, I have never seen anything quite this inspired.

Never content, the Artist now demonstrates a stunning amount of control and skill with his color palette as he now shows me It's Green Too. Truly, there are no words.

Always the pioneer, the Artist now puts down his claim in the lesser recognized world of foot painting. Notice the broad strokes in yellow his right foot makes as if to say, yellow stands alone. The Artist delicately captures the solitary loneliness of yellow. The left foot demonstrates the beauty of cooperation in color, symbolizing the Artist's views on society's multi-cultural diversity and unity. Together these stark differences both in color and direction compliment the free forms the Artist has created.

It was around this point that the Artist turned to me an expressed his sorrow in having to confine his creativity to the paper canvas. His little hands reached out without asking permission and he began his work on the dishwasher. Puzzled, I continued to observe him. What was the Artist trying to say? Was this his commentary on a dislike of traditional roles within the household? Was he simply looking to find his favorite drinking cup? One can never be sure. The Artist's mind is a mystery.

Here's the final piece. The Artist called this We're Out of Orange. I asked the Artist what he felt as he created a piece with so much movement, so much emotion, so much messiness. The Artist looked at me, shrugged then said, "I done." Indeed his is.

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