Wednesday we got together to celebrate Grandma Jo's birthday at one of our favorite steak houses, The Timbermine. You're probably all thinking to yourselves, "Wow, a steak house in Utah. Where would I ever find one of those?" Well, hold on. The Timbermine is fun. The inside is set up to look like the inside of a mine shaft. There's kooky displays of stuffed mannequins mining and ore cars everywhere. Henry loves to go to there not so much for the food, but for the atmosphere (see photos below) and because each booth has it's own light dimmer knob that is independently controlled by whoever sits there. So if you guessed that during most of the dinner we sit in total darkness at our table, you'd be right.

This was Reesie's second time at the restaurant, and both times she received plenty of compliments. She still plays naive though, pretending not to notice how cute everyone thinks she is.

Besides Henry controlling the mood lighting during much of the dinner, he also asked multiple times and in multiple ways if he could go home with Grandma and Grandpa. (This portion of the story becomes important later)
Here's the birthday girl enjoying some ice cream.

We gave Grandma Jo a digital picture frame for her birthday. We uploaded plenty of pictures for her on a scandisk so she could enjoy pictures of her grandchildren and us at work. (Of course, she'll enjoy the grandkids more) Grandpa Brent got Grandma Jo a new closet for her birthday. (long story - but the gist of it is: My Mom is a clothes horse and basically broke her closet rod last weekend due to the incredible weight of all her clothes hanging on only one side of her expansive walk-in closet) Sorry there, Mom. I outed you, but I needed it for the plot line.
Here's Henry during dinner thinking he's going home with my Mom and Dad.

Here's Henry starting to realize he may not be going home with my Mom and Dad.
Oh no. He's now knows that he's going home with us.
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