If you’ve read Steenky Bee any length of time, you may already know that both Jeremy and I work in the architectural industry. Our firm is retrofitting an old abandoned Bally’s Fitness Center and redesigning it to be the highest rated sustainable building in Utah. (LEED Platinum rating)*. We’re talking minimal lighting and HVAC usage, so basically, I’ll be working in the dark, sweating and/or freezing (depending on the season) and fussing with low-flow toilets. (I think we can all collectively agree that no one likes public toilets. The only saving grace they offer is their powerful flushing prowess. Well, starting next week, I can kiss that perk goodbye.)
Besides the tragedies that are bound to happen in the new office rest rooms, the firm's management is extremely proud of our redesigned space and what it will mean for our sustainable design practice in the future. The employee's, however, are most proud of the fact that we now have an assigned space for the office ping-pong table. IS AWESOME.
Back to the move… Amidst all the moving bins, and riveting meetings on parking procedures and access card policy to our new building, I did find something that peaked my interest. For the past three weeks or so, employees have been encouraged to organize their desks and rid their personal space of any clutter.
The project managers of the move designated a table on the west side of our office for employees to place unwanted items that are still in reasonably good condition. Items on this table are free and up for grabs for anyone who wants them, first come-first serve.
Tuesday, I had just finished flushing the last of several incriminating documents down the industrial strength toilets (goodbye old friend) when I found a few extra minutes on my hands. I decided to browse the selection of unwanted items to see if I could give any of them a home. Boy, am I glad I did.
Witness the items free for the taking on the west side.
A flask. At work. IS ALSO AWESOME.
Now, I must go. They just announced a meeting to reveal the location of the parking spaces for the employees that drive a hybrid vehicle to work every day. (I told you we were being green.) No word on where the designated space for my bitchin’ Camaro will be. I'll keep you posted.
*Somewhere back east, Irish Gumbo is shedding a tear filled with pride.
oh em gee. the flush is SO NECESSARY!!!
(and the flask? AWESOME.)
But is the flask full?
I totally need a flask.
why would anyone ever get rid of their flask? isn't booze green?
They are making someone give up their flask? That is just cruel.
If you didn't take that one, you can have mine when I find a new job.
The power flushes here at work are so awesome the whole room shakes with thunder. And then it spits water out all over the toilet seat for the next person to sit in.
A flask is so restricting. I say just carry the bottle.
Ha! Was the flask engraved with the name of its former owner? I hope you snapped that baby up.
My office is LEED certified too. The toilets suck. Good luck with that.
You've got to find out who owned the flask.
And out them.
In a meeting.
Camaro? I always pictured the Steenky family driving an F-350 with duelys and a gunrack.
@ Green Jello: Ahahaha...I thought someone was peeing on the seat. I guess that's the tradeoff for having a powerflush.
@ Steenky: Yeah, those low-flow toilets suck. Or don't suck enough, if you know what I mean. ;)
Someone at work recently asked if having a whisky allowance could be a benefit. Clearly you are way more forward thinking than we are
Best way to look for the original owner of the flask: in about two weeks, someone will lose it completely. That will be the guy. It couldn't be a woman. Too plain.
Please don't tell me that you snatched up all of the items and am going to have a giveaway tomorrow…
Is the flask engraved with some kind of team building exercise slogan? Because that could make it a collector's item.
I loathe using the bathroom at the bookstore because I've seen the giddy, wild eyes of some of the people who come in asking us if we have a bathroom. I liken it to a crack den. It looks harmless from the outside, but you walk in and are sometimes hit with a funk of nasty that would make you weep, but all the moisture has been sucked from your body in horror.
If you do have to go, though, I suggest the first stall in our bathroom. That thing has been set to flush so powerfully I think it's sucked half the weight I want to lose to China when it flushes.
Dave Barry says that low-flow toilets take care of Number 1 just fine, but have a hard time dealing with "Acts of Congress."
I agree.
See, that's why I have my initials engraved in my flask, so if I accidentally lose it at work, my employers can return it to me.
Are you taking office bets on who the flask belonged to?!
I pity the poor fool who is coordinating your move ;)
SK is correct. That flask begs to be bedazzled.
Office ping pong table???
I want one of those.
You architects are such boozers, I swear!
Oh sweet jay-zus...*sob*
be still my heart...*weep*
A LEED Platinum rating? (pantpantpant) I liked you before, but now, it's like I REALLY like you...
Dude, I find the powerflush SO critical, that we have one in our master bath. It was actually a birthday gift for my husband a couple of years back, and let me tell you, it's the gift that keeps on givin.
Hope you snagged that flask. It's sweet.
My husband has a ping pong table too. Why would anyone admit to having that at work? Anytime he claims he's been busy I'm like, "yeah busy working on your serve." He should've kept that on the DL.
I have that same flask!
So inspiration CAN be bottled in a flask! I knew it. Clearly someone wasn't using it properly.
I hope it's the old Bally's on Union Park... that building has needed revamping since the '90s!
Did you take the flask? If not, grab it for me and I'll get it from you at the blogger meet up.
LOL! What's even funnier about that is a flask in the give away pile IN UTAH!!
Does the flask have fingerprints? Did anyone see the donor? That's too wild.
I spotted that flask immediately!
(I have that 'teapot/teacup combo' in green, so I'll pass on that)
You did take the flask, right??
A flask. Classic. I would have taken that and the coffee pot for a little Irish fun.
And screw the hybrid. Keep the Camaro.
I hope you grabbed the flask! That has the potential to make any job entertaining and doable!
And just in time for St. Patrick's Day! Yes, I'll take the flask! This reminds me of spring cleaning and that I need to do it..... ugh!
Here's what I think: Total Word of Wisdom alert: somebody is going back to the church. Notice the teapot and coffee mug? All that was missing was a slab of meat and a heroin needle. Oh and some chaw. Did I miss anything? Is heroin on the WoW "no" list?
It's either a flask or a toilet kind of day I see.
So, I'll go with the flask. That could be packed with a whole lot of fun and stored for emergencies.
Of filled with something potent and you could develop the habit of "taking a nip" when the situation calls for it.
My inner(mostly dead) interior designer is feeling a little jealous. Does that make me officially the most pathetic person to comment so far?!
Personally, I'd go for the flask. I'm a SAHM and if that doesn't push you to drink I don't know what does.
SO they've given up coffee, tea, booze? Wait is that a purse I see? Don't tell me they've given up ALL material possessions.
Must be Lent.
I'm not sure you'll see this comment midst the sea of people exclaiming how awesome you are (and you are, believe me), but I love your blog and I gave you an award - http://jonvscollege.blogspot.com/2010/03/st-patricks-day-awards.html :)
Hi Jenbo!
Ahh, if my flask could talk...
I know you have lots of these, but you've won an award- check out my site for details
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