I feel it only fair to let you know I’ve also received several complaints about my last post. All of these came in a series of phone calls from my mother. She was a little concerned that I didn’t include any updates on the kiddos in my entry and reminded me that several people including her nail lady, her masseuse and her friends from craft night would like to see more written about the little ones. Message received.
I guess it’s true what they say, you can’t please everybody. But I may as well try to please my mother, her friends, her manicurist and her masseuse, right? (Is it just me, or does my mom leads a pretty swanky life?)
So, if you’re one of those people who don’t really care to know what a random blogger’s children have been up to over the past six months, then please avert your eyes now. However, if you are NOT one of those people and you ARE interested, then buckle up, because this kiddie ride is about to get moving.
Also, if you are Julee, my Aunt Jean, my cousins, my sister-in-laws or my parole officer, then this post is for you too. Wait, I’m totally kidding. I’m pretty sure my parole officer doesn’t read me anymore.
Official update on family status: Jeremy continued being awesome and somewhat burly in 2009. Plain and simple. He had several projects at work that required him to log many hours on the phone and traveling and we missed him when he was out of town. But the kids and I partied it up while he was gone. Think Happy Meals + magic markers = newly painted walls.
I spent the second half of 2009 obsessing over Tiger Woods, my recycling habits and suffering a vitamin C deficiency. (I’m almost positive these three things are not at all related.) I plan to spend 2010 eating my weight in burritos, breaking in my new neti pot and cleaning up messes. (Sadly, those three things are related.)
Henry turned five this year. He experienced Lagoon (local amusement park) and sushi for the first time. He continued his love of hotel swimming pools, shoes, super heroes and any foods with cheese. (Except for foods with cheese cooked in them. Don’t even get me started.) He’s overjoyed about the prospect of starting Kindergarten next year because he thinks it will be just like a Hannah Montana episode.

Reese, who is two now, spends the bulk of her time following Henry around or dressing up in princess play clothes. Although Henry has the upper hand in age, weight and general girth, make no mistake, Reese dominates him psychologically and can reduce him to tears by just touching his Bakugan toys with her big toe. I have undeniable evidence that Reese is responsible for instigating the magic marker drawing on our walls. And sometimes her face.

The batman/vampire picture is priceless. I would have that printed in poster size!
Your kids are cuter than ever.
Lagoon - Oh the memories I have of Lagoon. I loved that place until I went to a real amusement park then my love affair was over. If you ever to Ohio, you know where KIRK HERBSTREIT (my future husband) lives - they have some real amusement parks.... Wait, what in the hell was I talking about - Oh yeah, your super cute kids. Thanks for sharing updates cause I am one of the peeps who cares.
So nice to have you back.
Wow, look how big the kiddos are! Glad they have been doing well. I can feel ya on the whole last year thing. Ours has sucked. Anyshway, what can ya do, right? Super glad to see ya back on your blog, cause really my life was missing a certain sass without you around. Tell the PO I said "whats up homie"
I'm absolutely loving the Vampire Batman! :)
Ah yes, the magic marker painted walls. I remember them well. In fact, I noticed there are still remnants of Princess Nagger's 'artwork' on the upstairs walls since I have yet to paint them as I had planned last summer. Or was that the summer before last? There's always this summer. Or next. ;)
SO glad to see you back!!
Ech. Really, I got nothin'. Except, you know, more ditto about the awesome cuteness of some small people you already know are cute. And that if Lagoon still has the log flume, then it's still 1% awesome (I love that ride). What I guess I DO have is "hooray! you are more blogging!"
I'm just so happy to see you I don't know WHERE to start.
Now, where's the wine?
I'm thinking you missed something! Henners got his teeth whitened/sharpened, didn't he?
Hey, did you see my post on the Idea Paint? A white board wall! Reese could go crazy.
And Oscar thought HE had big teeth.
neti pot....ew
Two days in a row? SHUT UP! (Um, no, don't actually do that... we can't take another six months without you!) The kids are gorgeous, natch. Sigh.
:) Robin
Do you have to 'break in' a neti pot?
My toddler BROKE mine, but that's different. I glued it back together and now I get bonus chemicals from the crazy glue.
So Reece still has a college fund then?
Looks like you've got your Christmas card pictures for next year all tied up.
Hello, Reeses Cheekses! (Yes, I still stand by my nickname for her.)
Painted walls are fine. Although since they're still short, you do need to step in and help with the markers.
Listen, a mother with access to all those services is someone to keep on your good side. If she wants family snaps, give them in trade for services - two fam vaycay pics = one massage - One candid shot of child in random act of adorableness = a deep conditioning treatment. Keep letting them out like that until you achieve the entire spa package.
The kids are adorable.
What a lovely homage to your family. They can never be angry with you again. And that's that.
But a word of unsolicited advice: just don't . . . post a recipe for a hearty collard green/chorizo soup without attribution. My 92-year old grandmother called me last week about my little faux pas and, err, well, err . . .
Now, about those black stretchy pants. Where should I send you my address?
So glad you're back, Steenky Bee!
Henry, what big TEETH you have!!!!
Vampire teeth batmen are the best!
Love to hear the update. I'm laughing over the Bakugon comment, my Pixie has the same power over the Wonderboy. Yay for girls!
Nice to see you again.
I've had many conversations with my girl about crayons and the stickers and the hardwood floors. I get the feeling she's not listening though...
remember ... always grab the camera to document coloring evidence ... before actually getting upset about it.
it shows them you love them.
either that or it allows you to have evidence for the future. but whatever.
Awww the children. havent seen their pictures in well... 6 months? ;)
Glad youre back.
it is so nice to hear from you again! this will definitely save me time from stalking you on facebook, just to make sure you are still alive. now maybe i can go back to school and finish my degree!
Those kids of yours...gah! Oh, with the gorgeous! Shall I assume we'll have to work out some type of generous visitation schedule with Jeremy once we commence with our torrid civil union?
Your back! Just when I was about to give up completely on you! OK. I wasn't really, but it sounded awful didn't it?
Ah, depression my old friend. How I can relate. Sort of. Not to your point, but close....
Just glad to see you around and hoping your pants stay clean!
I was hoping for hair pictures but I will gladly take cute kid pictures instead!
Ahhhhhhh....kiddo update!!! Yay! They are every bit as beautiful as the last time I saw them! Now we need some new pics of Jeremy to make sure he is still okay...you've been gone a while, we need to check in on him too. :)
No pictures of the hair??Pooh. Just finished braiding my 7th graders curly unruly hair, a constant source of conflict.
The Mayor of Sasstown
What a great resource!
Holy crapoli, the kids got HUGE! Still adorable though. Thanks for the update on life.
Holy bat mask, could they be any cuter?!? Thank your mom and her entourage for us...it's been too long since we've seen those cuties. I'd probably be holed up having fun with them instead of blogging, too. Hope the recent posts mean the sun is coming out again in UT :hug:
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