Now before you go off thinking this is one of those posts, a post featuring some bland story about my kids at a park, blah, blah, blah...let me tell you two things:
1. No story about Henners or Reese could ever be bland.
2. No man should sport the spandex at a public park without good reason.
Sometimes cousins go to the park, hold hands and do stuff.

And then sometimes cousins just walk away.

But you are only two and you are easily distracted. You spy a chunky, yet handsome toddler boy just across the way. You decide to make eyes at him.

Okay, so now he's eating his socks. You are understandably grossed out, but remain undeterred in your quest to be noticed by him. Grandma swoops in and you use her as a "wing man" in order advance your position with the round mound foot fetish-having boy.

My friends, the sock-eater and the nose-picker never made contact. Frankly, this strange dance was the highlight of my day at the park with family.
Unless you count this guy...

HA! I love that story. Quite a picturesque ending as well.
Maggie had that pink ball. She loves it.
yikes....spandex is a privilege not a right......In fact spandex should just be banned!!
Hot Damn! I was first!
That should say Maggie HAS that ball. *sigh*
Oh, I count that guy too.
Love the pics of the kiddos! :)
It's important she learn now that no matter how cute you are, guys may be totally oblivious to your advances while picking their toes.
Don't get us started about spandex in this house. It's on the top of our taboo list.
I like how you can see his belly button through his shirt.
My eyes are bleeding now and I totally blame you :P
ah, toddler romance.. so sweet.
unlike... that guy. ew.
Well, at least he's doing his beer proud with that belly.
How do guys do that? Stay thin and trim everywhere but the belly?
Are you sure that's a guy? He's at least a B cup.
Hmmm, perhaps he wanted to be EXXXXTRA sure none of his jiggly or dangly pieces got too near that there grill? No, just an afinity for spandex, well, someone has to buy it I suppose...
2 year old cousins and spandex? Very very unusual post ...
My eyes! My eyes! I need a spork, quickly.
Reesie is getting awful big!
I count the dude with the belly too.....should we know him?
Cute story....boys can be so clueless, huh?
Nothing says 'taken ladies, leave me be' like a wife beater and nut-huggers ;)
Oh goodness. I was hoping maybe that guy had just finished a triathlon, but the wife beater, the beer, and the grill say no.
I'm sorry, pregnant and holding a beer? He is so busted.
Should you mix spandex and bbq grills?
First I was all "Swoon!! Henners' grin!!"
And then I got to the money shot at the end! Moobs, wife beater shirt, what may or may not be tucking, and wirey gorrila hair arms all the way to the shoulders and beyond?! Be still mah heart! This? This is why cameras were invented!
this was the best post i've read all day! with the exception of the spandex guy. i wish my kids hadn't been peering over my shoulders at the screen. i thought it was cute, "look at the cute little girl!" until we came upon midnight in the garden of barbeque and swing sets.
Ew I think that guys pants are worse than the ex-gym teacher from the 70's shorts.
Which is worse? Eating your socks or wearing spandex?
Nose picker and Toe picker sounds like a match made in heaven.
The spandex on the other hand...
That big hunka man love is HOTT (with an extra T).
Hubba hubba...
Love it... were you guys at Liberty Park?
Hold the phone. Are those spandex pants paired with a white, wife beater tank top? Oh my sweet lord, no. Just no.
I love that Henners has a signature grin. Every picture he's got that adorable grin and those mischievous eyes. So freaking cute. And Reese? Gorgeous. I love her little hair style.
Also, I have missed you Spider Monkey. I was thinking about hopping on a Greyhound to Utah to search for you. So consider yourself lucky.
Beer bellies and spandex. Ummmm... NO!
Welcome back! I hope we'll be seeing MORE of you........
Is that Sasquatch? That's one serious pelt he's sporting on the arms. What if Jeremy decided he HAD to wear that? Would you let him? Would you? WOULD YOU?
I have been lurking on your blog for a while, but those pants, no, eyeball incinerating threads of disgustigness, forced me to play.
Eww..gross, thanks for that. I think I threw-up a little in my mouth.
Agh the wife beater, and a gut, run away!
Wow ... the moobs and the beer gut really set off the tight spandex
ADORABLE. What a cute story! And she is totally going to get even with you in your old age for that nose picker picture!
Adorable. I want to be out in the sun.
I am so glad you're coming! I might even let you put on the Snuggie. If you're lucky.
There are entirely too many fleshy bumps visible under those clothes...
That adorable little girl won't need a ball to hide behind for much longer. Just hope the spandex grill man doesn't spy her and move in!
Gah!! Scared!!
I definitely count that guy too... ;)
Loved the post - and the pictures! You ROCK! ;)
That was such a great story... and that spandex man??? Please tell me that's not your hubby??? (smile)
So very gross.
Treasure that picture taken from behind the 3 cousins walking. Looking back over 28 years of pictures of my own, those are my all time favorite.
The kids are adorable. And the stretchy pants beat the banana hammock by a mile.
I can't believe he didn't notice Reese... how could you not notice Reese?!!?!?!
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