We’ll be here.

And here.

Jealous? You should be.
Oh, it won’t be all red rocks and hiking trails 24-7. There will be at least eight hours where one four-year old boy will be tortured by his baby sister as she sticks her size-four feet in his face, or when she accidentally grazes his leg with her arm, or the mother of all abuses, when she looks at him for longer than 2.5 seconds. How dare she?
But get those two children at a road-side McDonald’s with chicken mcnuggets in their bellies and within eyesight of a Play Place and that same boy must shout to everyone enjoying their Big Mac, or McRib (for a limited time only) that the little girl sitting next to him is his baby sister, Reesafee. And she’s NOT yours. (For some reason, Henry always feels the need to clarify to strangers that Reese is only his and not theirs.)
As an aside, we've been working with Henry lately to not talk to strangers, you know for safety sake. Somehow, he's added his own precautions on to that list that include: Not talking to strangers, zombies, ghosts, vampires and Josh. I have no idea who Josh is, but judging by the company he keeps, it is indeed wise to not talk to him.
So, peace out for the rest of the week. I won’t be here Monday either. I’ve finally been invited to hang with my idol and the coolest chick on the block. My hands are so sweaty just thinking about it.
I'm jealous- I love road trips! Have fun you sweet girl.
I went there when I was seven. My sister threw a hissy fit and stayed in the 170 degree car. My dad was attempting to grow a mustache. He looked like 16-year-old cholito.
Have fun at (in?) Moab!
Wait! You're meeting Casey? Hate. You. Both. I don't really hate you both, I just felt that way for a split second. I'm very jealous! Have a great time and give Casey a wedgie from me! :)
I am jealous! That looks like a pretty cool place to visit with the kids. Hope you have a great time, and that the kidlets don't torture you too much. ;)
CRAP you make me homesick! Be safe, take valium, have fun!
Also? Watch out for Josh. He's everywhere.
I love that they just call it "Hole 'N The Rock." Those Utah parks and rec people know their shiz. No gussying up the hole in the rock with some fancy name. Nope. They just keep it real, ya'll.
Have fun!
LUCKY GIRL!!! Say "hi" to Casey for us!!!
So jealous.
Have fun.
That is SO cool, I am definitely envious. Just one more place to add to the huge lists of places I want to take my kids and probably never will. Wow. Sorry for the Debbie Downer moment there.
Have a blast! The McRib TOTALLY grosses me out!
If you bring your kids to a Play Place, do you actually have to stay there, play there, or pay there to play there? And is it really it's own place or more of a room, maybe a space?
Oh, so confused...
I can not tell you how many times we have driven by the exit for Moab. We lived in the armpit of CA in the Mojave Desert for 2 1/2 years and went right by Moab driving to CO. Hubs always said we need to go. We never have. So I say you have fun for us too, cant beat twice as much fun eh? Hmm, does that seem like lazy vacationing on my part? Hey, I say if someone else can do my work, why not?! Have fun! Drive careful.
travel safe!
Have fun! =)
Have fun!! I hope you have a DVD player in your vehicle.
Have a great trip. I've never been there but it looks beautiful!
I've got one of those 'my sister gave me the eye mommy and breathed on my side of the car' kids too. Good luck.
I'm jealous! I'm soo not an outdoorsy person, but I love Moab. And I have a very similar picture to the one you've posted. Hope you survive the weekend with the kids!
I'm not talking to Josh either.
I am just a tad lil bit jealous...but you really had me at McDonalds PlayPlace and chicken McNugs. Have a fun trip!!!! Looking forward to the pictures!
Oh, I am totes jealous!
Have a great time!
Have an excellent adventure! Also, wear a hat. When I went to Moab, the sun baked my brains. (yeah, yeah... explains alot... I know)
Definitely stay away from the zombies, but I'd give the others a chance. Except for Josh. You see Josh you tell Jeremy to shoot first. Which is ok in Utah, right?
I'm so jealous! My husband won't take me anywhere cool and I'll am asking is for us to go to the Zoo.
Have fun!
I love Moab!!! Arches is my favorite National Park in the US! Have a great time!
Enjoy the "STOP touching ME!!!!"
Why all the zombie hating? There are good sides to zombies... without them, we wouldn't have all those zombie movies.
I have always wanted to go to Moab and maybe do some mountain biking. And, you're meeting up with Casey, too? So jealous...
That looks so cool!! I'm jealous? Can I hide in your suitcase?? Your really huge, air-condtioned, upholstered suitcase on wheels?
Oh wait, that's your car.
Jealous for sure. That's gorgeous. The only thing I have to look forward to around here is the corn finally coming up. Oh it's a sight to behold I tell ya.
Isn't it lovely how one second the boys would prefer to throw their sister out of a moving car, but the next, they're warning strangers that should they so much as look at said sister, they shall endure the wrath that is big brother. =D
I love Moab. We were there last Fall. My husband has all the brew pubs marked on a city map if you need to know.
soooooooo jealous! looking forward to seeing the pics.
Ahhhh, road trips with kids touching each other.........
Have fun! We just got back from our sandy spring break fight-fest too.
Have a great trip! When I see Josh I will tell him to stay the hell away from your kid.
I am so very jealous. Now that I'm moving on from the black plague, I could totally road trip, and what do you do? You go on without me.
Not nice, my friend. NOT NICE.
Oh my heck..... Yup had to bust out a Utah thing...
Have fun.... LOVE LOVE LOVE Moab.
I actually have a relative who lives some where around there in the middle of no where - he works as a forest ranger, no his name isn't Rick... as in Ranger Rick but get this his dad's name IS Rick and his dad was also a forest ranger.... Thats right... I have an uncle who is a forest ranger named..... Ranger Rick.
Have fun!
I can't wait to hear about your trip.
Have a great time!
(And look out for the Zombies)
Have a good trip. Keep an eye out for State Troopers!
First off, why did I not know about the McRib being in season? Both McRib and strawberry seasons are the highlight of my year.
It sounds like Reesafee gets as much enjoyment out of torturing her brother as Elliot does. Women are so evil, I'm glad I'm just a skan and not a woman. Yes, I'm reintroducing skan into our vocabulary, it's been way too long.
Is that hole in a rock place for real? Since everyone already misinterpreted your post to mean that we were meeting in person this weekend, I say we should do it for real. I'll meet you at your hole at midnight. Uh... that didn't come out right.
If you think I'm in any way idol-ish, you're more deranged that I thought.
So wait, you're NOT meeting Casey in person?
I mean, that's right! You're not! BECAUSE SHE'S MINE.
I wish I could tell you it gets better with age, but at 10 and 12, mine still bicker about personal space in the car. Who am I kidding? They bicker about whether the sky is blue, what day of the week it is and whether they have the same parents (they do coincidentally, but damned if I can make them believe it). Have an awesome trip!
Henry completely forgot to include pirates and ninjas. What are you teaching that kid anyway?!
Have a good trip!
You are going to have a rockin' good time! ;) The McRib is back (for a limited time)? Mmmmmm! :) If I see Josh, I'll tell him to tike a hike for the weekend... :) Looking forward to hanging out with you at Casey's on Monday! ;) Have a safe and fun trip!
Sounds like a blast!! I would totally tell people that Reese belonged to me too, but you know, not in the stalker-I'm-going-to-kidnap-her kind of way.
I've met Josh. Henry should keep his distance.
I have to say i'm jealous too, I lived in good ol' Ogden for a time growing up. My parents threw my sister and I in the car for a 5 day car trip to the Grand Canyon, in a 1986 Chevy Nova. Good Times
Just when I got used to you posting regularly! Damn.
Ok, have fun. Really!
oh, how fun!!! we haven't done a trip in... omg, i can't even think that far back :-/
drive safely!!!
Looks Awesome!
I will stay clear of Josh while you're gone.
It does look fabulous. I'm always fascinated by the texture of an uneven terrain. We don't have big rocks down here, unless you count the coral buried in our yard that makes it impossible to dig a trench when you need one.
We were just talking about the McRib the other day too, the fake ridges to make it seem like there's bone under all that simu-meat. It's wrong on so many levels.
Enjoy your weekend! I won't tell Josh where you went. ;)
oh God, I just want a guy in my life. when I read posts like this I really do miss having a partner to just take off with and go somewhere. Have a great time!
I really really really love Moab. Hike up a canyon for me.
Have a fabulous time.
Hope you had fun!!!!
What is up with all these bloggers getting to meet? When is the road trip to Saskatchewan planned, huh?
Yeah, I know.
Yahoo. Have a great trip and be careful not to run over Josh.
We were in a very rain Philly this weekend. Hope you got lots of sun.
Gorgeous road trip! And unless I've missed it, that's the sweetest Henry thing I've ever read :wub: I've missed you!
You went to visit the Flinstones?
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