Let me begin my speech by saying that I am honored to be recognized by my peers in the blogging world. I get all squealy and giggly when I receive an award and do that little tiny, fast clap thing really close to my face in a fit of excitement. With most of these awards, the rules state that I must pass them on to other worthy bloggers. But, in order to preserve my sanity and not pace the room worrying that I might be overlooking wonderful talent or a dear friend, I have taken a page from one of the bloggers who does it best, and have created a home for awards and recognition to reside and allow them to rest in peace. *I hope you'll forgive me*
That picture of Sly Stallone right there? It has absolutely nothing to do with this page whatsoever. It's just there to remind you of what the definitioin of "casual awesome" is.

Given to me by Good Father.
My first award! From Stephanie at Mama Still Wears Gucci!

I don't recall who passed this on to me. (Sorry)

I don't recall who passed this on to me. (Sorry)

I don't recall who passed this on to me. (Sorry)

*Note* During my hiatus from blogging in 2009, I accidentally deleted many award badges from my blog when I was cleaning up my template. Any awards that are missing here fell victim to my fast fingers and the delete button.
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